Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Over the River and Through the Woods...

"Taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective."  ~  Doe Zantamata

The next day saw us heading out of Kalispell towards Idaho and my mom and grandma.  We made a quick stop at Flathead Lake to take some pictures and chase some sticks...

...and before we knew it we were crossing into Idaho and nearly there.

The local wildlife tried their best to stop us with magpies all over the road, deer everywhere, and at one point just a few miles from our destination a baby black bear dashed across the road right in front of us!  (Gonna need to repack cause now my stuff is everywhere.)  But in the end we made it without major incident and the next 5 days were spent relaxing, recovering, spending some quality time with my mom, and letting Mischief run around like a crazy thing and terrorize make friends with my moms dog Buster and all the local cats.  Oh and catching up on blog posts...mostly...

Mom and Grandma's house:

Mischief (and I) romping in an oat field.

My lunas take me everywhere!

 Have gross stagnant water, will swim!

Some local flora:

The closest to grass she could find!

Grandma's garden...

More of grandma's garden plus grandma...

Grandpa's wood shop where I spent my early childhood learning how to use industrial power tools.

Hayden creek, where I used to play, and once wrestled a salmon larger than me out of the water (with the help of my cousin).  There's photo evidence of this somewhere...

When the water was higher we would launch off this platform on a rope swing that is now long gone.

Grandma is very excited about her tomatoes...

and the squash of course...

Mischief loved helping me chop wood.

My mom is part of a primitive living group and one of the things she does is volunteer at the Salmon Outdoor Center and basically live primitively and make cool stuff while people walk by and ask questions.

Like this...

And this...

This too...

Today she is smoking a hide.

She taught me how to do this...

You cant tell but this is about to burst into flames.  You can sorta see the smoke coming out the back.

One week out of the year she and a friend live in this.

Mom and her dog Buster at the river after a day at the Outdoor Center.

Helpful sign is helpful!

Please sir ma'am, may I have some more?

Mischief isn't sure about the horses but she's safe in the truck for now.

No seriously...can I?

Buds :)

Me on my mom's horse Cedar.

Mom on Cedar's daughter Juniper.

The 'wild' horses of the herd mugging for the camera.

I've reorganized and repacked and now I'm ready to get back on the road...except for one thing...

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