Wednesday, September 9, 2015


“It is a mistake to think that moving fast is the same as actually going somewhere.”   ~ Steve Goodier

Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  Adorable little tourist town I just had to stop an take pictures of. 

The sculptor did a great job capturing the mischief in his eyes!

Bow ties are cool.

Smuggest moose ever.

Unamused bear is unamused.

I figured while I was tooling around I may as well try out this geocaching thing.  Always wanted to, why not now?

At the corner of this building I found my first geocache!

Here is is!

Its contents :D

 Best part is it was on this street!

Found this idyllic scene as I was searching.

 That was fun, lets do another!

 And another...

One more on my way out of town!

 Western Wyoming is stunning!

Holy crap look who I found in the middle of Wyoming!  +Jayme Spoolstra and +Aaron S  

More views from central Wyoming.

Is is just me or does it look like I'm looking up at Jabba the Hut?

Hello everybody!

More places my lunas take me :D

And a good roll in the grass before loading back up and moving on.

Landed in Laramie, WY.
Sat down to have a beer or two and some foods and post last nights blog post.

Pad Thai fries...amazing!

We decided to stop for the night and now here I am...officially caught up!

Feeling a little sad and out of sorts today so I'm not sure where the road will take me, but I'm gonna dip down into Colorado for sure, just don't know how far.  Either way I'll be heading east and north for my next major stop at The House on the Rock ( with +Liz Kaetterhenry and possibly +Lauri Novak on Saturday.  Can't wait!

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