"When you buy from an independent artist you are buying more than just a painting or a novel or a song. You are buying hundreds of hours of experimentation and thousands of failures. You are buying days, weeks, months, years, of frustration and moments of pure joy. You are buying nights of worry about paying the rent, having enough money to eat, having enough money to feed the children, the birds, the dog. You aren't just buying a thing, you are buying a piece of heart, part of a soul, a private moment in someone's life. Most importantly, you are buying that artist more time to do something they are truly passionate about; something that makes all of the above worth the fear and the doubt; something that puts the life into the living."
~Rebekah Joy Plett
It's starting to look like I'm a real artist! I have a website with most of my photography available
and after much hesitation and fear, I have finally launched my Patreon!
I haven't figured out how to embed the Patreon widget yet but my page is here:
Of course, due to the fact that I will (hopefully) be being paid to create this little blog (and all my other art of course) I will need to post a bit more. *creates calendar reminders for blog posts* No more excuses!
So here we go!
I am currently back in Pensacola, FL for various assorted birthdays and whatnot but will be leaving in less than 2 weeks to see my amazing photography family in Orlando! so freaking excited!!!
I will be tooling around Orlando for at least a week and then from there I'll be heading north to North Carolina with hopefully some adventures along the way.
With the new incentive of money [crazy how that motivates people isn't it?] I aim to post small updates weekly with a longer post once a month. Does that seem too much? Just right? No where near enough? I would love to hear your feedback, dear readers!
Can't wait to get on the road again, see you there soon!
OH, and since this is a PHOTOGRAPHY travel adventure blog...here is my latest picture available on my website, titled Siblings: